Update 0.1.37 is out!

* Added a flying drone called the Interceptor

* Added a trap which spawns Interceptors

* Added a death screen

* Added damage effects

* Improved the main menu

* Added a difficulty setting: Currently only peaceful and normal are used.

* Can now drop items out of the inventory

* Fixed crash when creating a new world or respawning

* Fixed lighting calculations

* Moved game tick updates to a separate thread

* Fixed random frame-dependent camera jitter

* Fixed background threads not closing properly when the game crashes

* Region file version bumped to version 2

* Game can now save and load entities


cosmic-reach-linux.zip 85 MB
Version 0.1.37 Jun 22, 2024
cosmic-reach-windows.zip 81 MB
Version 0.1.37 Jun 22, 2024
cosmic-reach-jar.zip 50 MB
Version 0.1.37 Jun 22, 2024

Get Cosmic Reach


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When making survival make, please remember to not follow minecraft mobs types, because they are too easy to avoid, making the game look like creative mode. 

Add a similar mob to silverfish, which can spawn on the place where block was mined, or when you smelt or craft using stone. 

Remember to not allow players to find a way to breath underwater, for example using doors which can't be waterlogged.

When a mob cannot fight back, because of block placements (imagine mob grinders), the mob should go away to not get cheesed.

You should take less damage if mob is behind you. 

Allow some mobs to smell you through walls.

